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Trauma Treatment Specialist

Compassionate. Confidential. Authentic.

If you have been struggling with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, if you have experienced trauma, childhood sexual abuse and violence,  and you would like some help with this, you have come to the right place.  I provide specialized trauma counselling to children, adults and adolescents. 
On this site you will find information on trauma and plenty of free resources to help you on your way to change. You can also contact me to arrange a concise, complimentary consultation to see if I can help you further.
I’m looking forward to offering you the service that you deserve.

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“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves “

Victor Frankl

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Two Dried Leaves

A Bit About EMDR

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a powerful form of psychological therapy that has been scientifically proven to treat PTSD, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, complex grief, eating disorders, dissociative disorders, pain disorder and low self-esteem. 

How does EMDR work?

When we experience trauma, our brain is fully engaged in helping us survive the trauma and is unable to process the trauma experience fully so those memories are stored differently to our everyday memories.  This works very well when we are trying to stay alive, however once the trauma has passed, those unprocessed trauma memories can continue to ‘leak’ into our everyday consciousness.  Sights, sounds, smells and many other things can trigger a trauma response. The way we see the world and think about others can be impacted by these unprocessed memories. We can experience nightmares which is the brain’s way of trying hard to reprocess memories.  It is as if the original event (or events) continue to happen - over and over and over. 

EMDR works by allowing the brain to remember the traumatic memories while staying in the present. By moving the eyes from side to side, under guidance of a trained therapist, the brain is able to reprocess the original memories. The trauma incident is not forgotten but it’s emotional, psychological and physiological impact is significantly reduced.
It’s kind of like the brain has a filing system in which it files all of our memories. Trauma memories are not organized and are “stuffed” into a cupboard for later processing. EMDR helps the brain to organize memories into their rightful filing system!


Each session of EMDR lasts between 60-90 minutes, depending on the specific context. 

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About me

My story

I was born in Iran and came to Australia as a refugee in 1984.  As a refugee child I experienced suffering, trauma and displacement.  I made a promise to myself that I would spend my life helping others who were facing difficulties and challenges.


I became a psychologist in 1997 and then completed my Master's degree in 2005.  I have worked in the area of mental health, forensic psychology, child protection and trauma ever since.


I am married with two lovely daughters.  I love the outdoors.  


Looking forward to connecting with you.

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Services I Offer


Trauma Focused therapy for children and adolescents

EMDR is an effective, trauma focused intervention suitable for babies right through to adulthood. I can work with you and your child to address concerns such as birth trauma, separation anxiety, night terrors, school anxiety, bullying issues, specific fears, self-esteem issues just to name a few.

Trauma-focused therapy with adults

EMDR is evidence based and scientifically proven to effectively address and treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  It has also been found to be an effective treatment component of depression, anxiety and a whole host of other mental and emotional health challenges.  I can work with you to plan a sensitive and appropriate treatment pathway.

Girl by the Lake

Contact me today to schedule a concise and complimentary personal consultation to see if I can help in any way.

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Helpful Information and Resources

Ducks Over the Lake

Grounding exercises 

June 13th, 2020

If you are prone to feeling anxious or overwhelmed (let’s face it who isn’t??) -

Do the 5,4,3,2,1 technique of grounding.

Try noticing 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can touch, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste.

With practice this will become easier and quickly bring you back into the present moment.


What is EMDR?

June 10, 2020

What is EMDR?


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a powerful psychological treatment that has been used effectively for over 20 years in a variety of international settings and cultures with different types of psychological distress.


What kinds of problems can EMDR treat?

Scientific research has established EMDR as effective for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Clinicians have also successfully used EMDR as a treatment component in the management of depression, anxiety, negative self-image, phobias, complex grief, dissociative disorders, sexual or physical abuse, memories of going to war, being bullied or any other symptoms in the here and now related to negative memories.

Foggy Pier


June 8th, 2020


Often disturbing events happen in our lives that stay with us. The brain cannot process information as it ordinarily does. One moment can become ‘frozen in time’ and remembering the trauma may feel as bad as going through it for the first time. This is because the images, sounds, smells and feelings still seem to be there – they haven’t changed. Such memories have a lasting negative effect that interferes with the way a person sees the world and the way that they relate to other people.


EMDR has a positive effect on how the brain processes information. Following an EMDR session, the person no longer relives the trauma. They still recall that an incident happened, but it no longer feels upsetting.


How Long Does It Take?

The typical EMDR session lasts from 60-75 minutes. The type of problem, life circumstances and the amount of previous trauma will determine how many treatment sessions are necessary, but the average is 3-6 sessions.

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I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.

Carl Jung

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Foggy Pier

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